Monday, April 18, 2011

Join the Tea Party, Murray sez

Both parties have failed us, according to Murray, a semi-regular contributor to this blog. Our only hope now is the Tea Party, he told me in an e-mail. He's even mad at Michelle Bachmann (I still have confidence in her).
It represents the only viable chance to stop the bleeding and institute real positive change for our country. I know it's tough to abandon the party of your choice but I think if you are honest with yourself when considering what's going on and listen to the deception and lies, you'll realize both the Democrats and Republicans have failed us miserably. It's so important to get involved now. Join or donate to your nearest Tea Party for the solutions. It will be tough to overcome the billion dollars that Obama will more than likely raise. He spent his first two years selling Obamacare and campaigning worldwide.He will be spending the next two years campaigning for re-election and ticking you off.
Of course there's the chance you want more of the same but I don't think so. But that's just what you will get if you keep playing the Democrat vs. Republican game. It's time to kick butt.
Maybe so, Murray, but remember third party Ross Perot who put Clinton in office by draining away almost 20 million Republican votes from Bush I? Obama intends to destroy the country by collapsing it from within--not so sure even a lily livered RINO wants that!


d.eris said...

"Obama intends to destroy the country by collapsing it from within"

And it is the primary responsibility of the Republicans to aid and abet him in his efforts. You don't think the GOP is as big a danger to the people and constitution of the United States as the Dems? lol

Both major parties are nothing more than vehicles for the primary enemy of the people of the United States: the political class. To support either of them in any way is to do nothing but provide popular political cover for the war the party elites are waging against us. Freedom and independence today begins with freedom and independence from the dictatorship of the Democratic AND Republican parties.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Right on d.eris! Normal I don't purpose a third party. The Tea Party is not a political party it's a movement. I purpose that the Tea Party back candidates like they did last Nov. to replace either the Democrats or Republicans. Both need to be replaced by people who mean it when they swear on the bible to uphold the Constitution and candidates who dedicate themselves to WE THE PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

so. what's up with the crazy talk? it sounds like you've been drinking the glenn beck cool-aid. makes me sad to see that supposedly intelligent, blessed and "religious" americans trying to shove a particular religion, party or cult down the throats of us normal people who go to work, pay our taxes and obey the law. You can't battle lies with more lies. this country DOES need a revolution, one of the HEART. I'm tired of this self centered , anti community and un christian blah blah blah... if jesus were here reading your blog, he would be sick.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

fox news is your enemy