Saturday, June 08, 2013

Google in bed with Obama


Google visits my blog about 10 times for every 100 posts (and I post a lot--1405 times in 2012). When should I expect an audit from the IRS or visit from the FBI? It's absurd for the NSA site to say if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear that it gathers private data in violation of the 4th amendment in a Congressionally approved program in place and expanded since 1981. Americans were killed by their government at Ruby Ridge and Waco because of minor gun registration infractions worthy of a fine or a wrist slap. There are laws and regulations you've never heard of that are being violated by all of us . . .

Perhaps people lost their innocence about Google and Facebook long ago, realising that, just because their founders were kids in jeans, they were no less red-toothed than any other capitalist behemoth. But now the president's reputation will suffer the same treatment. This Prism will dim the halo that once adorned him.

For he has authorised not merely the continuation of a programme of state surveillance that he once opposed, but has actively expanded it. That officers who serve him could brag in a 41-page presentation – one, incidentally, laced with David Brent-style grandiosity, starting with the naffness of the Prism logo – of their ability to collect data "directly from the servers" of the likes of Microsoft, Apple and Yahoo, will be a lasting stain on his record. In this, he is George W Obama.

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