Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Backlash—Mike Huckabee—Today

“Over the weekend, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her center-right party won the biggest election victory of any chancellor since East and West Germany were reunited. Ordinarily, Americans aren’t that interested in other nations’ elections. But this could be one more domino in an emerging worldwide shift from left to right. First, Australian voters threw out the progressives after six disastrous years and elected a conservative leader who vowed to undo all their job-killing policies. Something similar happened in Norway. In Colorado, two liberal state senators who forced gun control onto the public were recalled. France hasn’t had an election yet, but the voters are drowning in buyer’s remorse for electing Socialist President Francois Hollande. His approval rating is a record-low 23 percent.

And now in Germany, conservative leader Angela Merkel not only triumphed, but support for the progressive Green Party cratered after they proposed a weekly “meatless” meal day. Germans who once lived under communism said they’ve had enough of politicians trying to control every aspect of their lives, even down to what they eat for lunch.

I’ve always said that nothing makes people want to vote for conservatives like putting liberals in charge for a year or two. If this backlash against big government overreach is as widespread as it seems, then our 2014 elections might be very interesting, indeed. And if the Republicans do win big, it might be hard to say who they have to thank more: Barack Obama for trying to force Obamacare down Americans’ throats, or Michelle Obama for trying to force broccoli down our throats.”

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