Tuesday, September 24, 2013

There are no “cuts”

Both liberals and conservatives have ideas about people on food stamps that need adjusting.  If you volunteer at a food pantry you'll see another side. I've worked the Lutheran food pantry in Columbus (3 days of food usually run by churches in most communities) and found people dependent on government programs are very resourceful, and if they have a special diet, they request those items. They also "budget" to a degree and manage to make their food last all but 3 days so they can come to the pantry at the end of the month. They will also turn down food if their children don't like it, or are getting breakfast, lunch and snacks at school. And like the rest of us, they pick out what they like even if they know better. Most that I observed look like they wouldn't be able to hold a job--alcoholics, pot heads, mentally ill, small children at home, elderly, handicapped, low IQ, or no transportation. With other federal and state benefits, a person on welfare in Ohio "earns" about $12.60/hour or about what an entry level teacher would get; in Hawaii they would get the equivalent of about $29/hour. That's another reason they are not working. They don't have the skills to earn that much and with TANF, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, section 8 housing, HEAP, etc. they are better off not to work.

This is not to say there aren’t people down on their luck or in between jobs who need occasional help, but that’s rarely the regulars I see at the pantry. When a carpenter or stock broker loses his job and the mortgage is upside down or they’ve been through foreclosure, they need help too.

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