Monday, July 27, 2015

ELCA pastor comes out to youth conference

"Bishop Kevin Kanouse, leader of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, [disapproved of] the denomination’s decision to accept gay pastors who are in committed, monogamous relationships [in 2009]. Kanouse voted against the resolution, but says he’s staying in the church and urges others to do so."  But 6 years later he acknowledges he's gay and comes out to a youth conference. Married 40 years with children, he claims the Holy Spirit led him to announce it.

It still baffles me that librarians, who came out many, many years ago and lived openly with their partners and enjoyed great careers, are braver and more honest than pastors, movie stars, NFL players, and reality show stars.  Must be the money—librarian salaries are quite low. I just have no sympathy for this man who lied to his wife, family, church, friends and then actually back stabbed other gays with his vote just a few years ago. Disgusted.

1 comment:

Daniel Jack Williamson said...

Why come out to the youth and not an audience of adults?

In the book titled "You're Teaching My Child What?" author Miriam Grossman, a physician, alleges that the LGBT community attempts to recruit youth, and that sex education in schools is based on ideology, not medical science. Medical science, she says, shows that until the brain reaches maturity at age 25, it exhibits plasticity toward sexual orientation. She alleges that the LGBT community makes more concerted overtures to those under age 25 than those of any other age group.

At the time of the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014, the LGBT community expressed outrage toward Vladimir Putin for banning LGBT propaganda. Even though Putin assured the world that those of the LGBT community were welcome to travel to the Olympics, whether as athletes or spectators, the LGBT community painted him as a national leader with a penchant to ostracize, if not eradicate, the LGBT community. The law at the heart of the argument is much narrower in scopte than the way it was portrayed by the LGBT community. The Russian law specifically banned LGBT propaganda aimed at children. LGBT discourse among adults was perfectly legal in Russia, according to Vladimir Putin. Putin said that the matter was in the interest of the state because, for decades, the birth rate in Russia had been lower than the population replacement rate, thus the rationale was that if the youth weren't targeted with LGBT overtures during the years that one is more susceptible to experimentation with sexual orientation, more heterosexual mating would take place and more children would be born.

Now these are merely allegations by Dr. Grossman and Vladimir Putin (neither of whom are "born again" Christians, by the way), with no conclusive empirical data to absolutely show that LGBT discourse is aimed more at youth than at other age groups and that the messages directed toward youth are aimed at recruitment to enlarge the LGBT community. Having said that, the action of this pastor before this particular audience certainly doesn't disprove any of Grossman's or Putin's claims. Instead, it conforms to Grossman's and Putin's potrayal of the LGBT agenda.