Saturday, April 23, 2016

National Crime Report for 2015

A new national crime report was released April 19. Violent crime is still at an all time low in the U.S. In most places, that’s a result of two decades of the Omnibus Crime Bill, which Bill Clinton recently had to defend as it was a beacon of hope in his administration. In NYC in 1990 there were 2,262 murders; in 2015 there were 352. Can you see President Clinton might be insulted by the accusations? As some cities feel the pressure to ignore smaller crimes like vagrancy, public urination and petty crimes, because some liberals think they are racist, we may see that change. Let's see what Bill DeBlasio will fare.

Some cities, however, are experiencing an increase in their murder rate. Oklahoma City, for instance, is up almost 65%, which sounds terrible, but that’s 75 murders in 2015 instead of 45 in 2014. Washington DC is up 51.2%, from 105 to 162 in 2015. Murders in Denver went from 31 in 2014 to 54 in 2015, an increase of 74.2%, largest increase in the nation, up there with Baltimore and Oklahoma City. 

In the 30 largest cities of the U.S. there is a 13.2% increase in murder (Columbus and Indianapolis figures are “unavailable.”) The three worst cities in crime increase, Baltimore, Chicago and Washington, DC, have poverty rates double the national average, unemployment higher than the national average (but lower than national average during the 2008 recession), but in median income they don’t resemble each other.

As I see it, only Democrat control and huge transfers for social programs from the federal government link these three. Crime, like poverty and poor schools, guarantees these cities a steady income drip from DC.

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