Friday, June 30, 2017

Obesity is a chronic disease, interesting Ted Talks.

I’d start here. Drop the guilt. Dr. Arya Sharma explores the complex biology behind weight loss and regaining it, and why obesity should be managed as a chronic disease rather than as a personal failure. He doesn’t really explain how, just what the mind set need to be.

Dr. Deborah Cohen debunks the myth of personal responsibility for weight gain and provides the real causes of the obesity epidemic and how we can stop them. Lots of “shoulds.” She equates the solution with how the U.S. controlled alcohol and achieved pure water. You can tell from the comments, this is not a popular idea—to treat obesity as a public health problem with more government intervention. I'm not a junk food eater (except for the occasional Little Debbie or bag of Fritoes). I'm not influenced by advertising.  I think there's more to it.

What about a new attitude toward exercise and nutrition for older people? How many new leaves have you turned since age 40? I would love to weigh what I did 25 years ago when I thought I was “fat. Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drexel University, Dr. Stella Volpe confronts our popular denial of growing older and older every day. Dr. Volpe points out that it is never too late to start becoming an active and healthy individual . I think she’s never had bursitis! Can’t take the stairs—that’s what created the problem.

This guy, Charles Eugster, died  two months ago at 97, but it's an interesting video. He started body-building at 87. He wrote a book, "Age is just a number."  He was in his 90s when he did this Ted Talk and was probably healthier than most of the teens you see.

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