Sunday, December 31, 2017

What the new tax plan does for many income levels

This is an interesting article even if you skim--fast food workers will get a better reduction than librarians. I'm waiting for my liberal friends and relatives to refuse their reduction in taxes.

Fast Food Cook
Average salary: $20,570; Current tax: $1,059; Tax under the Republican plan: $857; Percent tax cut: 19.1%

Average salary: $53,180; Current tax: $5,753; Tax under the Republican plan: $4,999 Percent tax cut: 13.1%

Average salary: $64,890; Current tax: $8,156; Tax under the Republican plan: $7,575; Percent tax cut: 7.1%

Average salary: $105,600; Current tax: $16,296; Tax under the Republican plan: $15,105; Percent tax cut: 7.3%

Average salary: $194,350; Current tax: $35,541; Tax under the Republican plan: $35,457; Percent tax cut: 0.2%
and so forth. . .

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