Sunday, February 18, 2018

The renewed campaign against President Trump

It’s interesting to see how the anti-Trump media spins the new Russia report. "See, it's not a hoax" they clap and jump up and down. All while knowing the witch hunt and hoax was always about the Russia, Russia, Russia scheme to claim Trump stole the election from Clinton. There is no evidence that even one vote was changed, or that Trump was anyway involved, or ANY American, and the report vindicates him completely.

The Obama administration knew about Russia's attempts and did nothing to protect our election system—except toss out a few sanctions and point fingers just in case their chosen candidate didn't win. Blame Trump, of course, for her lame campaign. That was known in 2014 long before the report and only as she fumbled did the O-team take notice. Meanwhile, the Democrats fought every measure to insure clean elections by stonewalling proven methods to protect us from our homegrown criminals who try to steal elections.

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