Monday, April 02, 2018

Tim Scott

Politico isn’t so liberal that you have to avoid it or feel we’re going to hell in a handbasket, but I found this paragraph a bit odd.  The writer is interviewing Tim Scott, a black Congressman representing North Carolina’s Republicans.

“Yet in the age of Trump, he is coming to terms with an uncomfortable truth: The fixation on his color is a feature, not a bug. No matter his achievements or aspirations, Tim Scott is sentenced to exist in America’s collective political subconscious as a black man first and everything else second.”

So which party traffics in skin color?  Democrats.  Who has the fixation on race, color, gender, sexual orientation (or advocates for no recognition that there are sexual differences) , income status, and religion (or advocates for no religion). Democrats.  Who believe children of immigrants should have special privileges that citizens don’t have, but would abort them denying them life if the mother wanted that?  Democrats.  Which party protects people who demand no borders thus endangering the very victims it elevates?  Democrats.

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